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Breathwork Tuesday May 5th 2020 Expanding our Awareness

Breathwork on Tuesday 7.30 - 9pm  Exchange $35

Since the beginning of the quarantine I have been thinking and focussing on expansion and opening my heart. It is working. Despite my confinement, I have never felt more inner expansion. There’s a saying about dealing with your problems by becoming BIGGER than them. This is what we are going to do on Tuesday night. I am going to bring my enormous self to the video monitor and invite you to bring any small parts of you to join me in stretching, opening and expanding together through time and space, With incredible expanding music and mantras too!

“When you expand your awareness, your energy flows freely. You're more flexible, balanced, and creative. You view yourself and the world with more compassion and understanding. You have more energy and are open to new possibilities.” Deepak Chopra

…Then we will clear all energetic cobwebs, raise our PH and elevate our frequencies, we all know that fear vibrates at a low frequency, so for the sake of our own health systems and our global health systems - I’m going to be directing everything  I DO and all point all MY ENERGY to releasing fear and binding with ❤️ Love AND help people, this is my medication. Try it, it feels really really GOOD 

Register to join and get the zoom link and payment link

Pranayama is a healing modality. From the Sanskrit; prana or breath is the life-force; yama, means to suspend or restrain. It is a two part breathing, through the mouth that opens up and activates the chakras, releases blocks and takes you into a deep theta state of relaxation and healing. The modality of breathwork brings you to a still place where you get into the moment. Through breathing we create an experience for people to feel their spirit coming into their body as a vibration. When people feel that they heal. They unblock. They let go of the past and of all the stuff that they are holding onto to thats keeping them stuck and out of the moment. I trained with Breathwork Healer David Elliott and have been leading weekly groups and private sessions since 2015.

April 26

Breathwork to open 3rd EYE plus Angel readings from Anthony and See in Japan

July 8

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Charles Irvin